Sunday, March 4, 2012

Another day in Jerusalem...

In the morning we took a bus tour of overlooks and significant sites to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict around Jerusalem.  For the first two hours of the three hour tour, the fog was so dense that we couldn't see anything, so we just sat on the bus and listened.  Eventually the fog cleared up and during the last hour of the tour we were allowed to scurry out of the bus onto windy and wet overlooks, and huddle around shivering while our tour guide talked about the history and conflict in the region.  The tour was run by a company that offers a perspective in line with a two state solution where Israel gives back land.  It was nice to hear an often silenced perspective.

In the afternoon we toured the Christian and Muslim quarters of the old city.  I'd never been to this section of the city, so it was exciting to get to go through new parts.  We took the walk that Jesus took from being accused sedition and blasphemy, to where he was crucified, to where he was buried.  The site was filled with Christians also walking his path, and it was interesting to see the different traditions for honoring Jesus.

I'm getting tired now, I'll finish writing about today tomorrow... just as a sneak preview to keep you interested, there is Dominos Pizza involved.  I know, get excited.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Now that we're all up to speed on the emails, let's tackle today.

In the morning we went to the Holy Lands Museum.  The museum followed the history of the "holy lands" (modern day Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iran...etc) from the beginning of recorded history to whenever I got bored and left the exhibit- I'm guessing it went slightly past ancient Egypt.  I really did enjoy the museum, the exhibits were interesting and the artifacts we nice, but at a certain point my attention span got the better of me.  One of my favorite parts of archeology museums is wondering about the lives of the people who's work is represented in the cases.  Although I'd love to know why that individual made that specific pot or bowl, what I'm really interested in is the mundane details of his or her daily life.  Did she like music?  Did he have kids?  What did he do for fun?  Was she close to her siblings?  These are the things that we likely won't find out from the artifacts, but probably mattered a lot more to the creator than any clay pot ever did.  After I finished with the exhibits, I waited in the lobby of the museum and discussed the merits of grilled cheese- a food that Israel seems to be sadly missing.

After lunch and a quick break back at the hotel, we went to the Islamic art center.  The Islamic art center was filled with intricate vases, rugs and tiles- a really impressive array of art.  As a general pattern on the trip, we've been staying museums about an hour longer than most people would like, so with this in mind (we had over two hours for about 7 rooms) we created a game through the museum.  As we walked through the museum we decorated our imaginary houses with painted tiles, plush rugs, and wall mounted weapons- the game helped pass the time, but we still ended up with about a 45 minute surplus at the end.  The final exhibit, although unrelated to Islamic art, was my favorite.  The museum had a dark exhibit filled with clocks and watches.  The exhibit detailed the mechanics and origin of each clock, which excited the engineer in me to no end.  There were two clocks that especially impressed me, there was a clock that relied on a cylinder rolling down and inclined plane, and another clock that used small metal balls on inclined planes to keep track of seconds.

This evening, we were allowed to get dinner on our own and then go shopping at Ben Yehuda street.  I went to a spaghetti restaurant with Rachel, Gina, and Kester.  The food was delicious and we even go dessert!  After the restaurant we wandered around town, going in and out of shops, until eventually taking a taxi home around 10pm.
Here is the second email to Jared, sent in the evening on Friday, March 2nd:

Hi J,
Today it snowed in Jerusalem.  It was like a bad joke.  Israelis have no idea how to drive in the snow and the roads were complete chaos.  There was only maybe an inch or two of snow but cars were sliding and honking- we even saw a car drive down train tracks the wrong way!  Today we went to Yad Vashem which is the holocaust memorial museum.  I've been before but it's always sad.  The building has very cool architecture, you should look it up, you'd like it.  After the museum we went to the market where I got some kinder bueno and gummy peach rings.  Tonight we've just hung around the hotel and napped.  Liana says hi by the way... we spend a lot of time together but she has not been a happy camper so far.  I miss you and can't wait to see you soon!  Please tell me all about work and your life!  I love you!

Here is the first email to Jared, sent around 9:45pm on Thursday, March 1st.

Hi J,
I'm riding a camel through the desert right now!  Not really.  I'm sitting in the hotel room in Jerusalem, which isn't that nice but it does have a concierge who I have been calling repeatedly with demands.  I also have not gone to sleep since you dropped me off at the dialogue center (it's 2:45pm thursday your time).  I got in about 45 minutes combined sleep on the plane ride, took a two hour nap this "afternoon," and now finally, we are released to go to bed.  Liana was a little angel on the plane and was quiet and slept, but once we got to Jerusalem all hell broke loose and she acted sort of drunk and pooped like crazy. Today we went to the Israel museum during the morning.  Everyone was super delirious and I wasn't feeling too well so I went and sat with Liana and Seth for a while instead of following the tour.  The best part of the day was getting to see the dead sea scrolls!  In the afternoon we had time to nap and shower (yayyy), and then we had dinner and a speaker.  The speaker was an author talking about the reasons behind and meaning of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all claiming Jerusalem for their own- it was actually very interesting.  I hope you're doing well and feeding that fish.  I love you and miss you!!
I'm starting to blog about my trip to Israel because 1. I'm jealous that Jess and Carolina have blogs and 2. It's easier than trying to convince my professors that my daily emails to Jared count as a "trip journal."  It's a few days into the trip so to get you up to speed I'm going to repost my emails to Jared which detail the first few days of the trip.  Please leave comments and enjoy!