Sunday, March 4, 2012

Another day in Jerusalem...

In the morning we took a bus tour of overlooks and significant sites to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict around Jerusalem.  For the first two hours of the three hour tour, the fog was so dense that we couldn't see anything, so we just sat on the bus and listened.  Eventually the fog cleared up and during the last hour of the tour we were allowed to scurry out of the bus onto windy and wet overlooks, and huddle around shivering while our tour guide talked about the history and conflict in the region.  The tour was run by a company that offers a perspective in line with a two state solution where Israel gives back land.  It was nice to hear an often silenced perspective.

In the afternoon we toured the Christian and Muslim quarters of the old city.  I'd never been to this section of the city, so it was exciting to get to go through new parts.  We took the walk that Jesus took from being accused sedition and blasphemy, to where he was crucified, to where he was buried.  The site was filled with Christians also walking his path, and it was interesting to see the different traditions for honoring Jesus.

I'm getting tired now, I'll finish writing about today tomorrow... just as a sneak preview to keep you interested, there is Dominos Pizza involved.  I know, get excited.

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